With the development of ICT, a new era in the entertainment world has started. It has occurred in two ways. First, how people consume entertainment. Second a qualitative change is noticed in the different mediums of entertainment.
Let us see first how individual media consumption habit has transformed
in response to the changes in ICT. Once, people had to go outside for
entertainment. If they wanted to enjoy a film, they had to go to the
cinema hall to enjoy a film; to the playground to watch a football
match; to a concert to listen to music. Nowadays, there is no need to go
outside for entertainment. Radio was invented first, and then the
television. The computer came eventually. Internet is the latest
addition to the computer. We have discovered that people can enjoy all
kinds of entertainments within four walls of their home. When computer
first came into being, it was only used for computation and calculation.
Only the big organizations and the government could afford computers.
However, with the development of technology, computers have become
easily available and people have started using them for their personal
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